Monday, May 31, 2010

Prom it up!!

So, lately my last blog entries have been kind of sad. So, I'm going to change things up for now Haha!

This past Saturday was the anticipated Senior Prom! It was seriously one of the funnest events I have been to these past four years in high school. I got to my date's (Sarah) aunt's house to take pictures with her and the others. We wanted our little group to only take picutres, which was Sarah, Samm, Ryan, Shane, Kailtyln, and I. After that, we went to April's house for the limo and then left with the thirty-five other people in our limo :O We got to the hotel, which was pretty fancy, and take pictures and get seated. We eat and then go dancing! The dancing got really kinky but whatever. And there was a photobooth which was such a highlight there! All in all, the prom was so much fun. No drama, and everyone looked really good, and I mean everyone!

Well, this week consists of:
-Tuesday, I go in for Stats. final to present a project :/
-Wednesday, go to school for senior picture and VR, later on.
-Thursday, graduation practice at Pasadena and Grad-Night at Disneyland :D
-Friday, not sure but sleeping alot and being with my aunt from Nebraska :)
-Saturday, GRADUATION!! :D
-Sunday, my graduation party :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Closer and closer and closer

I actually said bye and "thanks" to one of my Bible teachers, whom I loved very much, and I started to choke up. Today, was technically the last official day of school...academically, I guess. So bittersweet the closer it gets.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

All good things must come to an end

Well, for high school, it might not be that hard to let go. Actually, even though high school was full of crappy events, it still was the best years of my life so far.

Anyways, my senior year is very close to an end and I'm happy but still not haven't taken it in all at once. The other night it was the annual senior-parent appreciation night at school. Of course, I went to the open microphone and told my mom how much I loved her and really appreciated her (my dad was out of town that night). Yet, it wasn't until later that night that I realized how close the end is. I literally have all of next week, then a couple days the week after, then graduation on June 5th. As it's getting closer, I'm starting to get a little nervous of change. Change in the fact that I won't see a lot of my friends at the same place, the school I won't have to go to anymore, even the people I dislike I won't see them again. But I do want this change very much, because this is life. Tomorrow we shall get our yearbooks, next week is spirit week (again), Powderpuff Game that Friday, prom that Saturday, Grad-Night at Disneyland on June 3rd, and graduation.

Oh, and I got my suit for prom and I am super excited to wear it :D

(And I want that t-shirt from Ellen DeGeneres' online-store!)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

In exactly three months, I'll be 19

That's flippin' crazy! My friend reminded me this today, and I was so flabbergasted. It felt like just yesterday that I turned 18, and was at Disneyland with Maggie, Sarah, and Miles. Since then, I've gotten alot of freedom, like for real! And I must say, it's been a pretty good year being 18. I was scared of feeling really old, even though sometimes I do, but I've been able to act like a kid. It's weird thinking about turning 19 in three months, and like there's no reason for me to be like thinking so deeply about it now (since I should be making notes for my book interview tomorrow). Yet, it's been a fun experience being in the world of adulthood, even though I'm going to be barely graduating in about three weeks! So, even though I'll be for sure making big, adult decisions, I'm going to makes sure to enjoy my life and act like a kid at times.

(Picture is from my 18th birthday last year.)

Monday, May 10, 2010


I've been eating all weekend, it's ridiculous! That's what happens when my mother's birthday is celebrated on Saturday, and the next day is Mother's Day. Even though I gained like 10 pounds, it was a great weekend to celebrate my mother :)

Other than that, nothing else really happened. Today, was meh, considering it being Monday. But good thing is now it's about three weeks left till school's out and I graduate! Yet, every teacher wants to give us random projects, since seniors usually don't have to take the final, as long as they have an "A" in the class. But I'm still really excited. Things to look forward to:
-Powder Puff
-Grad-Night at Disneyland
-Graduation Party
-Washington D.C. trip with my sister

Oh, and I found out my aunt from Nebraska is coming to my graduation, and I'm sooo excited :D

Also, big news for me, but my good friend, Christanie, got us tickets for Lady Gaga on August 12th!!

(Finally, that giraffe picture was done by me, with oil pastels, for my mother!)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What is love?

Finally, watched (500) Days of Summer tonight with my amazing friend, Katie! It is seriously my new favorite movie, and really gets you to think about love and life. I need to get the soundtrack, now!

This week has been not too bad, considering it was a short week for me. Yesterday, my friends and I went to my friend's (Miles) play at his school. It was a world premier called "Tiny Tim Runs The Marathon". Considering I didn't know what to expect from this, I thought it was pretty interesting. Funny at times, but confusing as well. Miles was great as usual! Sadly, this was his last play, so I was happy to see it. Afterwards, we went to IHOP and had fun.

Today, I went to the mall with Katie to turn in applications for Gap and Forever 21, and look for a gift for my mother. It was a pretty fun day, since Katie is so much fun to be around! After sometime there, we went back to her house to watch (500) Days of Summer. So, a pretty good, beautiful day :)